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Data Protection Register - Entry Details

Registration Number: Z1152853

Date Registered: 17 December 2007     Registration Expires: 16 December 2013



This register entry describes, in very general terms, the personal data being processed by:


This register entry contains personal data held for 3 purpose(s)

Purpose 1

Staff Administration

Purpose Description:

Appointments or removals, pay, discipline, superannuation, work management or other personnel matters in relation to the staff of the data controller.

Data subjects are:

Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers

Data classes are:

Personal Details
Education and Training Details
Employment Details
Financial Details
Racial or Ethnic Origin

Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):

Data subjects themselves
Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject
Education, training establishments and examining bodies
Business associates and other professional advisers
Financial organisations and advisers
Central Government


None outside the European Economic Area

Purpose 2

Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations

Purpose Description:

Advertising or marketing the business of the data controller, activity, goods or services and promoting public relations in connection with that business or activity, or those goods or services.

Data subjects are:

Customers and clients

Data classes are:

Personal Details
Goods or Services Provided

Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):

Data subjects themselves


None outside the European Economic Area

Purpose 3

Accounts & Records

Purpose Description:

Keeping accounts related to any business or other activity carried on by the data controller, or deciding whether to accept any person as a customer or supplier, or keeping records of purchases, sales or other transactions for the purpose of ensuring that the requisite payments and deliveries are made or services provided by him or to him in respect of those transactions, or for the purpose of making financial or management forecasts to assist him in the conduct of any such business or activity

Data subjects are:

Customers and clients
Complainants, correspondents and enquirers

Data classes are:

Personal Details
Financial Details
Goods or Services Provided

Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act):

Data subjects themselves
Business associates and other professional advisers
Suppliers, providers of goods or services
Financial organisations and advisers


None outside the European Economic Area

Copyright in this copy is owned by the Information Commissioner. Data Controllers may take copies of their own register entries. Apart from that no part of it may be copied unless allowed under the Copyright Designs and Patent Act 1988.


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